Snoring & Sleep Apnea Dentist located in Harrisburg, PA
Consider oral appliance therapy (OAT) with a mandibular advancement device (MAD) if you have sleep apnea but don’t want to use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device.
At Pennsylvania Dental Sleep Medicine in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, snoring and sleep apnea dentist, Becky M. Fox, DMD, FAGD, D-ABDSM, is specifically trained for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, through Oral Appliance Therapy. Call our office today or use our online booking tool to request an appointment.
Consider oral appliance therapy (OAT) with a mandibular advancement device (MAD) if you have sleep apnea but don’t want to use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device.
At Pennsylvania Dental Sleep Medicine in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, snoring and sleep apnea dentist, Becky M. Fox, DMD, FAGD, D-ABDSM, is specifically trained for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, through Oral Appliance Therapy. Call our office today or use our online booking tool to request an appointment.
Oral Appliance Therapy is a non-surgical treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). It uses removable oral appliances to open your airways during sleep. That makes it easier to breathe, reducing your risk of more serious issues, like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.
If you frequently wake up feeling tired, or your partner regularly complains about you snoring, request a consultation at Pennsylvania Dental Sleep Medicine today.
Oral appliances are safe, effective, and clinically proven to treat sleep apnea. These devices are recommended as a treatment option by many physician organizations as an effective alternative to CPAP, or as a first-line treatment solution (AASM, ACP, AAFP + the AHA). Our appliances are only worn while you sleep to stabilize the jaw in a forward position to keep the upper airway open. They are not intended to permanently change a patient's skeletal, palate, or jaw structure.
Consider Oral Appliance Therapy at Pennsylvania Dental Sleep Medicine if you experience any of the following symptoms:
You should also seek treatment if you wake up most mornings with a sore throat or a dry mouth.
OSA is a potentially serious disorder that increases your risk of chronic conditions, including high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, congestive heart failure, and Alzheimer's. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’re also more likely to experience relationship problems and work-related accidents or injuries.
At Pennsylvania Dental Sleep Medicine, Oral Appliance Therapy begins with a review of your health records and a discussion of your symptoms. Your provider also completes an oral exam and takes digital scans, checking the alignment of your teeth and jaw and the position of the tissue at the back of your mouth.
If the examination shows that your tongue or the other soft tissues at the back of your mouth block your airways, you qualify for Oral Appliance Therapy. Your provider takes digital impressions of your teeth and jaw and sends them to a dental lab.
The lab designs and manufactures a custom oral appliance that fits snugly over your teeth. When it’s ready, you return to Pennsylvania Dental Sleep Medicine for the fitting of the appliance. Your provider makes adjustments, ensures a good fit, and provides care instructions.
Oral Appliance Therapy is safe and usually well-tolerated. Still, you may experience mild symptoms when adjusting to the mouthpiece, including drooling, tooth and jaw pain, or dry mouth. Your mouth should adjust to the appliance after a few weeks, but if your symptoms persist or worsen, contact your provider.
Learn more about Oral Appliance Therapy by calling Pennsylvania Dental Sleep Medicine or booking online today.
For more resource information on oral appliances to treat sleep apnea, visit here:
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